MinGW should be installed first.



GotoBLAS2 is an implementation of Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS).


GotoBLAS2 has configurations for a variety of hardware platforms. It builds a library that is optimized for the given PC’s CPU.

Make a folder called: c:\LAPACK

Download GotoBLAS2. Filename = GotoBLAS2-1.13_bsd.tar.gz

Save File to: c:\LAPACK

Then open and extract with jZip or some other utility.

jZip is available for free at:

The extracted files should appear in:



wget – is a utility that retrieves files using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP
It will be used in the “make” process to download the latest LAPACK files.

It is given in file: wget

Copy wget into c:\MinGW

Then rename it as: wget.exe
(This approach is needed to circumvent Email firewalls.)

Next… Open the Unix-like shell

Programs > MinGW > MinGW Shell

$ cd /c/LAPACK
$ mkdir include (make include sub-folder)

Install the files from: includes.tgz     (This is for CBLAS).


$ cd /c/LAPACK/GotoBLAS2 (The $ sign is the prompt)

$ make
(this is the step to build the libraries for LAPACK & GotoBLAS2)

$ ls *.lib (directory)

You should then see a file such as:




The string in the middle depends on your CPU type.

Then type

$ nm libgoto2*.lib | grep dsptrd (file listing)

You should several lines such as
U _dsptrd_

From within the MinGW shell:

Copy includes.tgz into /c/LAPACK/include

and run: tar -zxvf includes.tgz

Also check for


This dll can be used for compiling programs which use LAPACK subroutines in a pure Windows environment.

More later . . .

* * *

Tom Irvine

MinGW Windows Installation

MinGW stands for Minimalist GNU for Windows.

MinGW is a native software port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and GNU Binutils for use in the development of native Microsoft Windows applications.

MinGW can be downloaded with Code::Blocks.

Or it can be downloaded via  soureforge.

* * *

Next add:     C:\MinGW\bin

to the PATH environment variable by opening the System control panel, going to the Advanced tab, and clicking the Environment Variables button.

* * *

C/C++ programs can then be compiled in command line as:

c:\(your folder)>g++ -o filename filename.cpp

This will generate an executable file called:  filename.exe

* * *

Fortran progams can be compiled as:

c:\(your folder)>gfortran -o filename filename.f

This will generate an executable file called:  filename.exe

* * *

MinGW also provides a Unix-like shell.

* * *

Tom Irvine


Code::Blocks is a free C/C++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

It may be downloaded from:

A number of compilers may be used with Code::Blocks.

MinGW is a good choice for the compiler.  The Code::Blocks website has a bundled installion  file that includes MinGW.

Note that MinGW stands for Minimalist GNU for Windows.

MinGW is a native software port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and GNU Binutils for use in the development of native Microsoft Windows applications.

* * *

If you need to run your executable code on a different PC or otherwise redistribute it, then make the following change in the Code::Blocks IDE.

Settings > Compiler > Linker Settings > Other linker options:

Type the following in the box


Click OK

* * *

The Code::Blocks IDE has a missing menu bar when run on Ubuntu 11.10 under the Unity shell.  This problem can be solved by switching to the Gnome shell.

* * *
Tom Irvine